Isle Logotipo


Ilhas de conhecimento


07 July, 2021

Did you know that only 5% of Brazilians can speak English and grasp all the benefits of knowing a second language? This is caused by the low quantity of English classes in schools. The lessons aren’t enough for a student to master the language. And especially, the vast majority of the population is unable to pay for courses because they are very expensive. That’s a sad reality, but you can change it. Learning a foreign language, especially English, can give you a lot of opportunities in your career and life.
For instance, you can get more money! Working with a good level of English can raise your salary twice its value. As well as being able to study in the best universities of the world, the main international universities require a really good English level to seize their lessons. And last but not least, your brain can be more developed, you can improve your memory and concentration.
These are great reasons to learn a new language, aren’t they? You are capable of doing it by watching series, movies, speaking with yourself, and using all the free inputs on the internet. Thus, with a lot of effort and dedication, you’ll go far!
You can do it!
Paola - Language Lover